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Found coins: 14
Quarter of the groat (Russian legend), 1386 - 1393 (Undated), Nowogrudok mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 13J3-3 (RRRR)
Obverse: Duke's arms. Living cross before sword.
Reverse: Russian legend. / "НОВГОРОДА"
Quarter of the groat (Russian legend), 1386 - 1393 (Undated), Nowogrudok mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 13J2-2 (RRRR)
Obverse: Duke's arms. Sword before living cross.
Reverse: Russian legend. / "НОВГОРОДА"
Quarter of the groat (Russian legend), 1386 - 1393 (Undated), Nowogrudok mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 13J1-1 (Unique)
Obverse: Duke's arms.
Reverse: Russian legend. / "НОВГОРОДА"
Denga (Sword), 1389 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 11-12J3-2 (RRRR)
Obverse: Sword, Russian legend. Dot by letter "Д". / (ABEИРТИМИ)Д АВ(О)Т(У)БНРОК (reverse letters)
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around Duke's arms. Four dots by Duke's arms. / ?
Denga (Sword), 1389 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 11-12J4-2 (RRRR)
Obverse: Sword, Russian legend. / (ABEИРТИМИ)Д АВ(О)Т(У)БНРОК (reverse letters)
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around Duke's arms. Four dots by Duke's arms. / ?
Denga (Sword), 1389 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 11-12J2-2 (RRRR)
Obverse: Sword, Russian legend. / (ABEИРТИМИ)Д АВ(О)Т(У)БНРОК (reverse letters)
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around Duke's arms. / ?
Denga (Sword), 1389 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 11-12J1-1 (RRRR)
Obverse: Sword, Russian legend. / (ABEИРТИМИ)Д АВ(О)Т(У)БНРОК (reverse letters)
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Duke's arms), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 10J5-5 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around sixth Duke's arms. Dots by each side of cross. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Duke's arms), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 10J4-4 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around fifth Duke's arms. Dots by each side of cross. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Duke's arms), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 10J3-3 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around fourth Duke's arms. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Duke's arms), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 10J2-2 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around third Duke's arms. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Duke's arms), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 10J6-6 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around second Duke's arms. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Duke's arms), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 10J1-1 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend around first Duke's arms. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Denga (Arabic legend), 1386 - 1388 (Undated), Nowgorod-Sewersk mint
Period: Kaributas Dimitrijus Algirdaitis (Karibut Dmitri Olgerdovich) (1375 - 1393) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 9J1-1 (RRR)
Obverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?
Reverse: Barbarous Arabic legend. / ?